Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 22, 2009

Ok, it's become fully apparent I haven't made any progress on FFX-2 or on resurrecting FF:MQ. There are a few reasons for this.

1) Currently, my computer is kaput. I should have it working in 2 weeks (because of a vacation I'll be on next week).

2) I've gotten a job about 2 months ago, so my free time is practically non-existant.

3) NaNoWriMo will be starting next month, and both my wife and I will be trying our hands at this.

However, I have a few things to put up on YTRiffers once the computer is back up. I'll be trying to get into a routine of regularly submitting my 'commentary-included' videos of WJXR clips. Every time I listen to that station, I double over laughing at the extreme countryfied attitude of everyone on there. I have other projects in the working, but that's the only one I can guarantee you'll be seeing soon.

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